Play Time's Over
Cant you hear the cries of innocence lost, far beneath the stars and stripes of American law, tiny soldiers marching on for the benefit of a corporate interest subsidized to bring you and yours, a better way of life thru someone else's pain, a Childs life cut short, for eleven cents a day, another child's joy thru another child's pain, and were he once would play a shallow grave remains,

Cant you smell the fear and pressured sweat of the world's  children muscled down for the sake of all your, precious 
toys and fancy clothes and million dollar homes, while your stock portfolio just grows and grows and grows, off the blood of innocence, and thru another child's pain,  a child's life cut short for the sake of corporate gain, anotherchild's joy thru another child's pain, and were he once would play a shallow grave remains